Steam Cleaning

There are two types of steam cleaning, wet steam cleaning and dry steam cleaning.

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Wet Steam Cleaning

This is also known as hot water pressure washing. It is a chemical-free, low-pressure cleaning method. Wet steam can dissolve oily or sticky residue, turning it back into a liquid so it becomes easier to remove. The hot water heats up the surface, therefore it decreases drying time after cleaning. Our technicians use portable electric or motorised pressure washers with diesel fired boilers.

Dry Steam Cleaning

Dry steam uses a low-pressure jet of steam at 100° C - 150° C to dissolve fatty or waxy soils from surfaces. It can also sanitise, because of its extreme temperature. It can be used with a microfibre mop head to clean and sanitise large surfaces. Dry steam cleaning is used for light films of soil or microbiological sanitising, not for heavy build-ups of soil.

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