Chemical Cleaning

We use an ‘intelligent’ approach to cleaning, which involves identifying the type of soil to be dealt with and then using the most appropriate cleaning chemical and cleaning process to remove it.

Enquire now

This service will help you if you …

  • are unsure how to remove soil from a surface
  • need to clean an area without mechanical action (areas where high pressure will push water where it shouldn’t be, or flake paint)
  • cannot use abrasive cleaning methods
  • wish to save hot water, therefore save money
  • have a problem with biofilms, bacteria, yeasts, mold or viruses

Our technicians are all trained in chemical handling, and very experienced at picking the best solution for you – often after testing. We really want to find the most effective, least harmful chemical for you.

Get in touch

See how we can help you with Chemical Cleaning.

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