Cooling Tower Cleaning

Technicians perform a deep clean to remove Legionella risk. All our technicians have food safety understanding and experience, which is paramount when it comes to this clean – the risk of contracting listeria and other pathogens is high. Compliance cleans are also completed, to meet AS/NZS 3666.

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A cooling tower works by running air and water through fill.

Hot water travels down, while cold air is pushed up through the water, cooling it. The minerals in the water, like calcium, build up on the fill – we call this ‘barnacles’. These barnacles stop the water flowing down, and the air getting up, therefore they massively decrease the efficiency of the cooling tower. Mineral build-up like this needs to be removed. Sometimes it can be dislodged with pressure washing, otherwise we use an acid to soften it first.

Not everyone can clean cooling towers. Many of our customers have unknowingly employed inexperienced contractors to clean their towers who have done a poor job. Often, they will have used too much pressure and broken delicate parts of the system. To best protect your assets, make sure your cleaning contractor understands and is experienced in water cooling tower cleaning.

In a cooling tower, there are many warm, wet surfaces. This is a perfect breeding ground for Legionella, therefore there is a risk of contracting Legionnaires’ disease when cleaning them. Legionnaires’ disease is a severe pneumonia that can be fatal. Water cooling tower cleaning can also be confined space entry. This means you need trained technicians, and full job safety and area analysis plans and emergency recovery plans completed and signed on by all parties before work commences.

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