Looking ahead… As a business we’ve continued to innovate and provide services where our local industry needs them most. We’re excited about new opportunities ahead, as we continue to grow and support our customers across all areas of our business. […]
Presco Environmental moves online Presco Environmental opens an online store selling quality, innovative products that supplement their cleaning service. […]
Change is in the air With the big concrete infrastructure installs requiring staff to spend a lot of time away from home and family, the decision is made to sell the business. Meanwhile, a new purpose-built manufacturing shed is built for Prenail and the new hire facilitation service is well-received in the market. […]
A new addition Presco acquires Titan Precut in Hawera and Marton and renames the business to Presco Prenail; designing, building and delivering wooden frame and truss. A Presco Hire Hawera customer is so impressed by the service he receives; he asks to deal with them throughout the country. Supplier partnerships start forming and the service […]
Presco Hire is established Hawera Hire and Hire Lift merge to become Presco Hire and the ribbon is cut at a new purpose-built branch in New Plymouth. […]
The first Presco Prosump is built Presco Products becomes Presco Infrastructure and with effluent management for NZ farmers becoming a hot topic and plastic-lined storage ponds not lasting the distance, Presco develops their solution, the concrete Prosump. […]
Steve purchases a concrete business With Steve adding a concrete manufacturing to the mix, he purchases an old BMX track down the road from Hawera Hire and sets up a base for Presco Environmental and the new Presco Products. Presco Products begins building a reputation for quality concrete products for farmers including troughs and feed […]
Presco Environmental is acquired A small business cleaning roofs at Fonterra becomes available for sale. A plant manager approaches Steve suggesting he purchase. Presco Environmental begins operating from a portacom on the side of the Hawera Hire offices providing specialist industrial cleaning services focused on the food production industry. […]
Hire Lift heads to New Plymouth Inspired by Hawera’s great response to his commitment to service and reliability, Steve leases a small building in New Plymouth and a second access fleet begins forming. […]